We lend original works of art. These are our guidelines:
The original character of a work of art derives from the intention of its creator. Artists decide on the original character of their art. Marcel Duchamp or Andy Warhol have determined a found object or an industrial mass product be their original work of art even if the objects were not hand-made and had not been altered in any way.
Artists create original works by deciding on nature and means of execution, whether by their own hand or by a specific performer.
In the case of multiple works (prints, casts, videos) artists decide on the number of executions. What exceeds the limited production is no longer legitimized as original. However, we do not buy video art. As artists hold the copyright to their works, we take care of the licensing for public performance and agree with the artists on the quality of the presentation.

Video art is original, even if it manifests itself virtually and can be duplicated without loss. The originality of the video does not derive from its digital production or from the museum context. The attention of the viewer at the moment of reception of the presentation constitutes the original.